I had seen people copying and writing Skylanders with NFC readers, like the proxmark or the ACR122U, but nowhere had I seen how to clone one of these figurines with an MFRC522. I already had Arduino microcontrollers so choosing an MFRC522 was the cheapest way to go. I didn't find any sketch or example of how to make a generic reading or copy, I mean for each RFID card I had to create a sketch where I included in the code the keys and the writing or reading functions adapted to the one I wanted to do in each occasion. These readers are very cheap, although it is true that you can get them for 1€ or less, you have to be very careful because not all readers/writers are of the same quality. I can confirm that only one of the 2 MFRC522 readers I have can read Skylanders, the other one supposedly fails due to a lack of power. You can make modifications to increase the power but it is always better to buy a tested unit. Anyway, even in the 1€ model we will be able to write our backups on...