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S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: març, 2021

Getting started with mfrc522cli

 I had seen people copying and writing Skylanders with NFC readers, like the proxmark or the ACR122U, but nowhere had I seen how to clone one of these figurines with an MFRC522. I already had Arduino microcontrollers so choosing an MFRC522 was the cheapest way to go. I didn't find any sketch or example of how to make a generic reading or copy, I mean for each RFID card I had to create a sketch where I included in the code the keys and the writing or reading functions adapted to the one I wanted to do in each occasion. These readers are very cheap, although it is true that you can get them for 1€ or less, you have to be very careful because not all readers/writers are of the same quality. I can confirm that only one of the 2 MFRC522 readers I have can read Skylanders, the other one supposedly fails due to a lack of power. You can make modifications to increase the power but it is always better to buy a tested unit. Anyway, even in the 1€ model we will be able to write our backups on...

Introducció al mfrc522cli

Havia vist gent que copiava i escrivia Skylanders en lectors NFC, com el proxmark o el ACR122U, però en cap lloc havia vist com clonar una d’aquestes figuretes amb un MFRC522. Jo ja disposava de microcontroladors Arduino així que escollir un MFRC522 era el camí més econòmic. Quan per primera vegada vaig intentar fer una copia em vaig trobar amb una barrera, la dificultat per a poder emprar el lector mfrc522 d’una forma versàtil. No vaig trobar cap sketch o exemple de com fer una lectura o còpia de forma genèrica, vull dir que per a cada targeta RFID havia de crear un sketch on s’inclogueren en el codi les claus i les funcions de escriptura o lectura adaptades al que volia fer en cada ocasió. Aquests lectors són molt econòmics, si bé és cert que es poden aconseguir per 1€ o menys s’ha de tindre molta cura ja que no tots els lectors/escriptors tenen la mateixa qualitat. Puc donar fe ja que de 2 lectors MFRC522 que tinc solament un pot llegir els Skylanders, l’altre falla suposadament per...

Taking a closer look at the ZXHN-H267N router

Looking through the drawers I found what could be a surprise: an ADSL router from ZTE, specifically the ZXHN-H267N. And I said it could be a pleasant surprise since it is common for these devices to support OpenWRT. For those who still don't know what OpenWRT is, we could describe it as an operating system for routers in general based on my beloved Linux. Unfortunately at this time there is still no support for this router, in fact I could not find its specifications anywhere. So I've set a screwdriver in my hand to disassemble it and take a look at its guts. With a multimeter I managed to find the UART port that you can see in the following picture and which is next to the RT5392L radio chip (the unlabeled pin is the VCC, but you don't have to power): Taking a closer look at the ZXHN-H267N router I have connected my TTL Serial USB cable keeping in mind that the RX pin has to go to the TX of our Serial USB and vice-versa. The settings for the serial port connection are 1152...

Aprofundint en el router ZXHN-H267N

Aprofundint en el router ZXHN-H267N Rebuscant en els caixons m’he trobat el que podria ser una sorpresa: un router ADSL de ZTE concretament el ZXHN-H267N. I dic que podria ser una grata sorpresa ja que és habitual que aquests dispositius suporten el OpenWRT. Per al qui encara no sàpiga que és OpenWRT el podríem descriure com a un sistema operatiu per a routers en general basat en el meu estimat Linux. Malauradament a dia d’avui encara no hi ha suport per a aquest router, de fet en cap lloc he pogut consultar les seues especificacions. Així que m’he posat tornavís en ma a desmotar-lo per veure-li els seus budells.     Amb un multímetre he aconseguit intuir el port UART que el podeu veure en la següent foto. El port UART es troba al costat del xip de radio RT5392L (el pin no etiquetat és el VCC, però no cal alimentar el port): He connectat el meu cable USB serie TTL tenint en compte que el pin RX ha d’anar al TX del nostre USB serie i vice-versa. Els paràmetres de la conne...

Make a backup clone of your favourite Skylanders with a mfrc522 and esp8266

  Nowadays there must not be many parents left who don't know the Skylanders video games, they are present on all consoles (Wii, WiiU, 3DS, Nintendo Switch, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One). As a brief introduction, these games are based on figurines called Skylanders like the one in the next image. By placing these Skylanders in the "portal", the digital version will appear in our videogame. In other words, the video game without the figurines are useless. It is quite common to start with a "starter pack", that is, the videogame, the portal and 3 Skylanders, but it is more than usual that our children end up buying new Skylanders (in fact there are stages of the game that can only be played in if you have the right Skylander). In addition, the progress of our Skylander, as it is played, is stored in the figure so that if you take it to a friend's house it will keep all its progress. By the other hand, if a Skylander breaks, we will not ...